China Town on Spadina is also just a 10 minute walk from the Sheraton Center and is another reason I like to stay there. While there is a Cora's (Totally the best breakfast restaurant I know of) within walking distance of the hotel, this morning I chose to grab a breakfast bun at the Furama Bakery on Spadina. There is an astounding assortment of fresh baked goodies for breakfast both savoury and sweet. Thank goodness because I don't like to eat sweet pastry for breakfast. They make an egg bun and also a bacon and onion bun that were good choices for the not too adventurous, and their curry buns and BBQ pork buns are awesome if you are feeling like something a little different. I'll also point out that this is a very cheap breakfast or snack if you find yourself shopping in the area. And if you find yourself in need of fresh produce, China Town is a really inexpensive place to find what you're looking for......I would really like to spend some serious time in this shop some day.
But, there are many many interesting options for food in China Town to say the least........and some of the options were unknown, yet unfortunately identifiable to me. I was intrigued by the BBQ orange creatures below.....but not enough to buy one.
The dumping house.........mmmmm.....maybe next time:(
Just around the corner and you're in Kensington Market. It's a quaint little neighbourhood filled with interesting and unusual finds from all over. It is one of the oldest neighbourhoods in Toronto, and should be traveled on foot. It's filled with interesting shops, cafes and plenty of "interesting people". If you're into the hippy dippy, there's lots of it here. And apparently you shouldn't leave your car parked here too long.
But I ran out of time......
There is also St Lawrence Market which I did not have a chance to get to on this trip. It's well worth the trip also and is walking distance (but a good walk) from the hotel. It's got the best food market around and is pretty much a must see place if you are into food at all.
Another neighbourhood worthy of a look is Little India. It's a little more effort in transit, but is doable with one short subway ride plus a short streetcar ride. I think it only took 20-25 minutes to get there from the hotel. Little India is much smaller than China Town but is interesting none the less. There are some great restaurant choices, and if you are looking for a saree or a salwaar kameez....this is the place to get one.
These are by no means the only places to visit while in Toronto....but they are some of my favourites.
Wow, so much to see there! I'm sold...I REALLY want to go!!!
Hmmm, a mozzie noise why on earth would you want one of them? Actually, I can think of a reason or two... mwahaha!!
Hey, very cool pictures & a tourguide, too! The ducks made me hungry for peking duck. I'm going to have to make it again one of these days. BTW, mosquito noise maker in the dark?! Gotta be one of my worst nightmares - I've spent many a night suffocating under the covers for fear of the buzzing mosquito biting near my eye and swelling it shut . . . actually happened once. Anyway, thanks for the tour : )
After opening the package, I was a little disappointed with the sound quality. Sounded more like a small airplane. If it sounded more could have been loads of fun:(
How did I miss this post? Looks like it was a fun time.
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