
Monday, April 5, 2010

A Slow Paced Easter Weekend

I hope your Easter weekend was warm and relaxing.  Ours is slowly coming to a close as we lazily begin day four by sleeping in (thank you Ike).  So far we've had some nice long walks, baked some more air buns, made some quiche  (to use up some crab Pollock, asparagus, and Monterey Jack), started reading a new book (Eragon), bottled up our Ginger Beer experiment, and of coarse had loads of fun with our Easter Egg Hunting!  Today, on the agenda, is finishing up some work on some Ukrainian Easter Eggs (Pysanky).  I had a few casualties that needed replacing and this is the only time of the year that I think about doing it.  Do you love the little egg cups??  They are from my gramma K's china cupboard.  I remember very well staring many hours through the glass at all her treasures of her china cabinet. They were stacked up and packed in there like so many little treasures.  I'd imagine that staring in there was just about as exciting as staring into the tomb of Tutankhamen.  Now these quiet little hens sit in my china cupboard with much less grandeur than in their former home, but they still bring me back to sitting in gramma's rocking chair staring in at all of her delightful treasures.  I thought they looked content sitting on this vintage pillow case.  It is also impatiently waiting for me to get on to starting my vintage sheet quilt......Maybe next week:)

We now need to wait one more week before we can sample the results of our Ginger Beer Experiment.  I hope it all works out well......after three weeks of waiting.......I REALLY HOPE it works out well.   However, we have never even tasted homemade ginger beer before so we probably won't be able to tell if it all worked out properly.  In any event, we'll have 24 of these 500mL bottles to use way or the other:)  I'll let you know in a week if this worked out well (or at least tasty) for us!  Here's hoping for lots of fizz and no exploding bottles.  I think I just might keep this batch in the bath tub.......I hope I left the right amount of head room???  What do you think?


  1. Homemade ginger beer sounds like fun! The eggs and egg cups are so pretty, did you make the eggs?

  2. This sounds like a fun project. Your photos are wonderful and your egg cups incite envy. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  3. Yep I've got my fingers crossed that it all turns out well:) and yes Felicity I decorated those eggs. I like to make a few more each Easter, but I don't always get around to it.

  4. I've admired these egg cups on display...long, long ago. Gramma would be tickled pink to see her grand daughter's creative skills at work...wonderful job!

  5. Waw! I admire your work with the Pisanky (not sure if it's spelled right) eggs! You are so crafty and I hope someday I can reach half of your talent... I am curious about your gingerbeer experiment. If it works out I might try it too someday. Once I've tried homemade Mead, but it didn't work out fine... I might try it again someday!

  6. Thanks! talent here....I just like to try lots of things, but thank you just the same:)


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