
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Granny a Day Keeps you........ Right on Track

I have not a lot of crocheting experience. Growing Grama K was the 'go to' lady when it came to knitting and crocheting. Although if I had to guess......I'd bet that crochet was a tiny bit more 'up her alley' than knitting. Her crochet production rate was rather astounding. She made afghans, bedspreads, horrible crocheted beer can hats, terrible poodle toilet tissue covers, some slipper....(slippers tended to be a knit item for her more often than not), and doilies, table cloths, and more and more doilies, oh and she had these crocheted bottle cap grapes on her dining room wall.......I always thought they were so cute:) She would borrow projects from friends and copy them just by looking at them.......and I don't know if she could read a pattern as I never saw her use one. I could not image that grama would ever have purchased a pattern booklet.......and I don't remember ever seeing any in her buffet cabinet which housed her many needles, hooks and yarn. Now for all the crochet work grama did, I really don't' recall seeing a lot of it on display around her she must have enjoyed the activity more than anything. I remember large pieces of cardboard with Ivory laundry starch soaked doilies pinned and stretched on them like insect collections. Can you even buy Ivory laundry starch anymore????? I have not seen it in years.
My grama taught me to crochet when I was about 13......I think. Well enough to make an afghan in that common zigzag pattern. Which I did complete (with a few errors) and then proceeded to not picked up a hook until a year or so ago when I decided to try a little ami project. I am fairly particular about which crochet projects I like, and there are a few projects that I would like to try so when I saw the sign up for A Granny a Day over at Meet Me at Mike's.......I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to practice my rusting and abysmal crochet skills. If you'd like to tryt these cute little crochet hearts, you can find the pattern here. If you'd like to brush up on your crochet you should join the challenge....there's still lots of time. So far so good.....I'm trying a few new things and working my way towards this project I've had my eye on for a few years now. So far the challenge has been very helpful and I am starting to understand how some items I have, might have been made. I think my grama would have been tickled:)


  1. I'm so glad you learned from your grandmother. My grandmother and my mom both crocheted constantly. I didn't care for it and refused to learn. Now they are gone... I'm 60 and I can't crochet. ha But I don't want to learn from anyone else.... I just buy it. I still have lots of their stuff and I have begun to cut some of it to use in my art.... no need for it to stay in a box. Glad I found you.

  2. I don't necessarily care for all things crocheted....but there are some I really like a lot. My grandmother would be super tickled to know I'd picked it up again....I have great memories of doing things with grama...more than I would have guessed. Thanks for your kind comments and...thanks for stopping by:)


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