This is only the second time I've ever made Pao de Queijo. The first time was a few years ago when a friend from Brazil told my family that we simply had to try to make them...because they are so very good. I honestly cannot remember the recipe I used on my first attempt....but I did remember that they were a cross between cream puff pastry and crusty bread rolls. This time I followed the recipe from Dulce Delight. She has a very entertaining video where she goes through the process and I love to use the Kitchen Aid stand mixer whenever I can....and this seemed like a very good option to save my arms so serious work. As it happens....these little gems are gluten free and really quite delicious. They are savoury and addictive with a crisp exterior and a chewy inside. Properly made, these little cheese breads, are made with a blend of two types of tapioca starch. Unfortunately I was only able to find (sweet) tapioca starch locally and even an internet search for the (sour) tapioca starch did not prove to be fruitful. There is no telling how much more wonderful these might be if only I had access to all the proper ingredients. Regardless.....even with my substitutions of convenience, they were quite good.
As we are carb limited in the house at the moment.....I froze the bulk of the dough in small balls...ready to bake up for our neighbourhood potluck in another week from now....and I only baked 5 to taste tonight.
This month's Daring Bakers' Challenge took us on a trip to beautiful Brazil! Renata of "Testado, Provado & Aprovado!" taught us how to make Pao De Queijo, tasty cheese buns that make the perfect snack or treat, and that will make your taste buds samba!
Pao de Queijo
(adapted from Dulce Delight)
400 g tapioca starch
1/4 tsp salt
20g butter
55 mL vegetable oil
300 mL whole milk
2 large eggs
200 g Dubliner Cheese (That's what I used but Monterey Jack is suggested)
100 g parmesan
Heat milk, oil, butter and salt in a heavy bottomed pot until just boiling. While the milk mixture is heating, sift your starch and salt into the bowl of you kitchen aid stand mixer. Once the milk is heated, pour all into the starch in the mixer and stir slowly with a spoon to wet the starch. Turn on mixer and mix until the mixture resembles a smooth paste and it has cooled down enough to just feel warm. Add one egg and beat in on medium speed until it is smooth and creamy looking. Add the second egg and mix until fully incorporated. Continue mixing and add the grated cheeses until all mixed in.
Heat oven to 350F and line a cookie sheet with parchment. Roll balls of dough with oiled hands to the desired size and bake until golden on the bottom....15-25 min depending on size.
Your pão de queijo looks perfect! That video is rerally good, isn't it? I'm happy you enjoyed the challenge! Thanks for joining the fun!