
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Apple Cozy

I have been contemplating getting a subscription to Mollie Makes magazine off and on now for almost a year.  I had forgotten all about it until another swapper from Swap-Bot mentioned it.  When I looked into the price, however, it really made me think.  It is super expensive!!  I did purchase the latest issue off of the magazine racks this for now I will still keep thinking about it.  Although, I much prefer to hold on to a magazine.....the price reduction of the digital issue is marginally easier to swallow.  We shall see.  Before I picked up the issue that I did purchase......I tried out this cute pattern for a cozy apple jacket from a previous issue.  I am finding that I nearly always need to use a larger hook as my tension must be very.....tense:)  After two do overs with larger hooks.....finally I found one that worked up to the right size!  While it may not be entirely very certainly is fashionable:)  It almost makes me want to bring an apple to work......


  1. Love the apple cozy! You've just reminded me that these have been on my mental "to crochet" list for some time. Yours is so cute, I must make one now. ;o)

  2. Hey thanks Katherine:) It's had been on my list for quite a while too....just because they are so darned cute.

  3. That is adorable if not very practical.
    I came here from your Swap-bot site (I'm there as skron11).

  4. Heather loves this one! If only she could read a crochet 'recipe' . . . you might need to return soon for knitting/crochet lesson : ) <3

  5. I really do! So cute! I would make it but sadly I can't crochet. :'(


  6. I have been thinking and thinking about a return have no idea. Hope you all are well!! We miss you all:)


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