
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Spring in the Yard

Lot's of things are happening outside now.  We are seeing more neighbours out and doing yard work. This past weekend (Victoria Day weekend) is the typical weekend for yard work and for planting annuals for this region.  I braved the crowds in the garden center and purchased most of what I needed to fill the flower bed along the front of the house.  I also got myself a little treat.  I purchased a 'Juliet' sour cherry shrub for my yard.  Now comes the debate over where to plant it.  I have little doubt that this decision will cause some controversy as DH has a simple plan of having nothing in his way when he mows the lawn.  We shall soon see who gets their way I suppose. This sour cherry is compact, hardy to Zone 2 and is a very prolific producer, producing dark red cherries suitable to eat fresh or to process. 
I managed to spend a few hours putzing around the back yard as well, cleaning out dead foliage from last year's blooms and removing the dead canes from the raspberries.  I don't know why I always wait until the spring to do this....oh  yes....because I am a procrastinator!  I was very excited to see if the onions that my friend's parents gave me last summer had survived the winter......And yeah!!! They had!
They are an intriguing little plant called an Egyptian Walking onion because of the way they spread.  Interesting and useful little plants:)  I have already been in and used quite a few of the greens already.  I am really liking this little plant.


  1. The cherry shrub sounds so exciting! Fruit seems, somehow more exotic than vegetables.

  2. I am pretty excited about it and it is rather new for this climate. I'll be interested to see how it turns out:)

  3. You're not the only procrastinator... I spent 3 hours on Sat. cleaning up the yard (lots of leaves to rake up and the flower beds were a mess). Oh, doesn't it feel wonderful to have a fresh new season ahead of us?
    Mmmm... love cherries... hope you figure out where to plant this little treasure.

  4. Good to know I'm not the only one:)The weather has been has been hard to go to work and not to stay home and enjoy it.

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