
Monday, April 4, 2011

Finished Objects- Fingerless Gloves

Funny how some projects can sit around with only very little left to complete them.  Somehow....this happened to these fingerless gloves that I set out to make over a year ago.  I got to a part in the pattern that I needed to look up instructions on how to do......and set them down for a year.  Finally yesterday, with an hour on my hands while watching a movie.......I googled the instructions I needed and did finish them off.  Including finishing a picot trim cast off on the second glove, picking up and knitting both thumbs, and weaving in all the loose ends......I was done within the hour.  Silly that I waited so long to finish them off.  They are pretty darned cute...... fetching in fact.  So much so that I am tempted to make some more.  With the snow slowly leaving's just the right time of year for them here.  Is it just me or do you have unfinished objects hiding in your craft stash too???  I'm hoping it's not just me:)
I used the pattern for 'Fetching' from Knitty, but used Bernat Alpaca rather than that specified in the pattern.  To compensate I used smaller needles....a size 2 3/4 mm to get the right gauge.  It was a pretty straight forward pattern which I will likely try again!


  1. Don't you hate it when you drag your feet- only to realize that the task wasn't that bad?! In your case, one hour? I do the same thing, and every time, I tell myself "Learn from this! Don't procrastinate!" But then I do.

  2. OH! SO SO CUTE!!... I would truly be happy with a pair of these. Love the cable pattern.

  3. Thanks Val and Kate! It's nice to know I'm not the only one:)....Hmmm I do have one more ball left...perhaps I should make one more pair and see how quickly they that I know what I'm doing!

  4. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these!! Well done : )

  5. Thanks Alison! It looks like I may very well be making more:)


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