
Friday, September 3, 2010

It's Mystery Fish for Friday

Summer is almost at an end here but seems to be still going strong back in Thunder Bay......with more 90 F weather in their future.  The fishing season there still continues.  My brother is one of the most avid fishermen I know and will go to great lengths to catch fish.......he has far more patience than I.  This is one of his favourite fish to catch and for the size of it (about 4 pound).....this was a pretty impressive catch.  He had more information to share with me on this fish than I thought someone could tell without actually cutting it open.  So lets see if anyone has any ideas.  Anyone have a guess at what kind of fish this is???? and do you figure it looks like a girl or a boy fish??  I will post an update tomorrow containing the information he shared with me about this tasty friend:)  Have a great weekend!
Update:  This is a male brook trout in fall spawning colours.  Caught on a river north of Thunder Bay Ontario Canada.  This is the first trout European settlers would have encountered when they came to North America. In Ontario, the Labour Day weekend is the end of fishing season for this species. Many think it is the tastiest of the trout family.


  1. Oh my, I never thought about the gender of sea creatures, I can't wait for part II. Meanwhile, I may have to run to google and do some research. ; )

  2. They really don't look too much different....just the males colouring is figure. I don't even know how that would look to a girl fish....apparently they do they must be handsome>


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