
Monday, August 23, 2010

Nifty Nordic Finds

You might have noticed the new button at the top of my sidebar.  It's for a little blog party that I plan to take part in starting on August 26th.   As you can tell it's about lunch ideas which is good timing for here, as we are just about to send kids back to school any moment now.  There will be lots of helpful posts containing tips, stories and recipes, so do come back on the 26th to check it out and click on the button to go and see who else is taking part.  I'll be sure to poke around and see what fabulous suggestions might be there for a perfect and speedy lunch preparation since after Ike starts back into school.......I too will be going back to work.  After 1 1/2 years off work.....I was busier than ever when this opportunity sort of fell in my lap.  Now I have a few short weeks to get things in order.....but I am so easily side tracked.....I actually came to the computer to find my choke cherry syrup recipe.......
Before I get up to my elbows in syrup and stickiness....have a look as my fab finds.  While up at my parents camp in Northern Ontario....I scavenged these dishes from their cupboards (I did ask first!).  They belonged to our neighbour who had the entire set for her everyday dishes.  Time will tell if more of these pieces surface at the cabin.......I sure hope so!  I remember them as being so unusual and now of course....I think they are kind of retro groovy. 
After scooping those cool Norwegian dishes from the cabin.......I took a trip into town with a good friend to shop the Finnish district in Thunder Bay.   The two must see stores on Bay street are, the Finnish Bookstore and Finnport. (See first photo and the one directly above)  They both carry Finnish imports and Scandinavian gift ware and sauna supplies.  I always like to look in there and see what's new.  Last time there, I notice that Finnport was selling Marimekko fabric and I knew I had to have some.  And I also had to pick up this very cool umbrella....You can never have enough umbrellas.....especially cute ones:)
Now....I'd better go make me some syrup!!

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