
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Red Red Rhubarb and a Beautiful Day

It's a beautiful morning here...perfect weather for really enjoying yard work.  I've spent quite a bit of time out in the yard......weeding and transplanting and pruning.....and today feels like another good day to spend in the yard.  My rhubarb plant which I inherited from Aunt Dorothy needs to be moved to a sunnier spot this's not as large as it should be by now.  After picking all the stalks I could.....I found I still needed to go foraging for more rhubarb from friends who don't use their own rhubarb plants.  And now....I almost have enough for the coming year.  Today will be spent cooking for the neighbourhood pot luck BBQ later today, and cleaning for the arrival of a house guest.  If time permits.....maybe I'll get a chance to do some more yard work....such a nice day to be outside!  Hopefully your day will be just as nice.  
And as the giveaway is now over.......Congratulations to commenter number four!  Ana Belen from Spain was commenter number four.  Anna, your number was chosen by as the winner for the vintage china pincushion.  Your package will be on it's way to Spain soon.  I hope you enjoy it, and thanks to all who entered.
Now.....I just need to  think up some good rhubarb recipes to try!  If you have any favourite rhubarb recipes.....I'd love to hear what they are!

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2010-06-19 16:05:28 UTC


  1. I've never tried it, but my mom has a recipe for a rhubarb torte on her blog here

    She also made an awesome rhubarb crisp last Fall and i'm sure she'd love to share the recipe if you drop her a note.

    Hope you're having a nice weekend!

  2. Thanks...I had not been there in a while and she has been up to some gorgeous painting I see! And the recipe does look delicious. Thanks a bunch!


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