
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Help! What do you Think???

Yes I know......a few weeks ago I started cutting squares from 20 or more vintage sheets to put together for a little vintage quilt project......and shortly after that I did sew them up for the quilt top.  But not much has happened with it since then so this is where it's at.  After much deliberation........I decided to not make it any larger as I am going to be sending it off for a baby gift.  (Right now it is 40X50 inches or 100X128cm)  Now my problem is to decide which colour would be best to use for a binding around the edge....any ideas???  I was thinking green.....but quite honestly, I could change my mind....hhhhmmm.
 And it's hard to accomplish much inside when there's so much going on outside:)  The  pale pink peonies are getting ready to blossom....I'm so excited.....they are one of my favourites.  And the black currants are making berries too:)
I am hoping that they will make a delicious syrup for waffles and pancakes later this summer:)


  1. i'd go for an orange boarder. but green will look great too. It's looking really lovely already.

  2. Thanks! I totally would never have thought of orange.....but I think I would love it:) Now I'm going to see what I can find.

  3. Do you know if it's for a girl or boy? If so that might help your decision.
    Oh, and love the cream puffs!!

  4. Pretty quilt! I think red or orange might look really pretty...

  5. Green is always my go-to color. Gender neutral, pretty in every and all seasons. It's just a winner in my book!

  6. I was going to say green, until I saw Ruby Star say orange... I love the patterns!

  7. Thanks for all the helpful input!I'm leaning towards the orange or the green ......I'll have to see what I have in my I'm considering minky for the backing.....or might that be too babyish?? Hmmmm


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