
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Cross Stitch Biscornu

I finally got the cross stitch project I mentioned in a previous post finished and in the mail.  Just in the nick of time as Ike and I decided that we needed to take a little road trip.  March bread was threatening to be a little dull for poor little Ike so we've decided to pack up the mini and take a little trip to Victoria for a little adventure. Adventure is the perfect cure for boredom!
I actually enjoyed this little Biscornu project even more than I had anticipated.  The word Biscornu refers to the shape of this project and if you'd like to know the detailed instructions on making one for yourself there are plenty of places to look.  I like small stitching projects....the kind that don't take a years worth of dedication to complete. This one fit the bill just fine in that regard.  I have never been a big fan of the look of aida cloth so hopefully I will work my way towards using a nice woven linen...we'll see how it goes.  For now, this was the best choice for preserving my sanity.  Hopefully my swap partner will like her new Biscornu!  I wanted to make it large enough to use as a pin cushion, and so it is...


  1. Your biscornu looks great. Thanks for the link about them. Hugs, Jeanette

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks Jeanette,
    I'm looking forward to trying one more and then maybe I'll try one that's not decorated with cross stitch....maybe a different type of embroidery...we'll see:)


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