
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pepperoni Stick Snacks

We had had a snack similar to these at my mother in law's house several times in the past. They were purchased from a local grocery store so I am not sure what the recipe was......but this is my best guess.

I make the dough in my bread machine...because I am they really take no time at all. Once the dough is ready, I let it rise until double in bulk......then punch in it down and divide it into 10 equal pieces. Then I roll each piece between my hands to form a long 'snake' of dough about 2 times the length of the pepperoni stick I want to wrap. This time I purchased a 1.5 kg package of pepperoni sticks that were a bit hotter than Ike would have liked....but he seems to be getting used to them now. Next time I will try and find a less spicy brand or I might try it with the honey garlic flavour. The recipe for the dough is enough to cover 5 long (12 inch long) pepperoni sticks, each cut in it makes 10 (6 inch) sticks. As each piece of dough is rolled, I then spiral the dough around a pepperoni stick and set it on a parchment lined sheet ready to bake. If you like, you can give each one a sprinkle with some grated cheddar cheese before baking. Bake at 400 F for 10 minutes or until just beginning to turn golden.
They are great for the lunch box, or after school snack. Ike gives them two big thumbs up:)
Pizza Dough for Pepperoni Stick Snacks

1 cup warm water
1 tsp honey
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp vegetable oil
2 cups all purpose flour (may substitute up to 1/3 with whole wheat)
2 tsp instant yeast

For the bread machine, place ingredients in the bowl of your bread machine in the order given and turn on dough mode. You can also make this without a bread machine as for any bread recipe.


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