
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Artist: Ike

Ike was pretty excited this week as he was lucky enough to be one of three children chosen from his class to display a piece of his artwork in a children's art showing at the university. After a bit of poking around at the showing, we found Ike's art. The tag beside is read, 'Artist: Ike'........and we figured there would only be one Ike there. Ike chose to send in his 'Pumpkins and Ghosts' picture done in wax crayon resist. He did as very careful job colouring in his ghosts with white crayon on white paper before covering it all with black paint....... (Very hard to see where you have coloured).....and it turned out beautifully! And Grampa thinks so too! Congratulations on your first art showing Ike:)


  1. Very nice! You did a great job. It is always so rewarding when your hard work, creativity and carefulness pay off in a nice way. Even if nobody notices you can sit back and say, "hey! I did that." But when other people notice- thats frosting ont he cake!


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