
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

We're Back!

We are safely back from our little adventure away from home now. It has been a bit strange this first day back....getting back into a Prince George Routine. The weather here at home has been hot and the forecast is for it to remain hot for the next week at least. I will not complain about the hot weather since we so rarely seem to get it. I have yet to set out into the neighbourhood to see how the berry crops have faired with all the hot weather....maybe tomorrow. Here are a few photos from up at Grama and Grampa's camp.
Above is a piece of stained glass that I had made quite a few years back for one of the neighbours up at camp. This piece made it's way back to our camp after the fellow I'd made it for passed away and his daughters offered it back to my dad. It now sits in the window of dad's workshop so it is appreciated almost daily I think;) It was pretty dirty so I gave it a good washing, but I didn't bother to wash the time.

One of the things that I had promised to do with Ike while up at the camp....was to take him sailing. My boat has been stored in the boat shed without use for as long as Ike has been around. I never really liked to sail on this lake with it as it is quite a small lake and the changing wind directions can be annoying. Surprisingly......on this trip the weather was perfect for a sail! I imagined that it would be much colder on the water than it was. I even made a little rain poncho for Ike out a garbage bag thinking that the wind would be cold for him.......but it wasn't at all.....and I even had to take my rain jacket off.....too hot. We had a great time on the water and on the second day I let Ike skip. Although I'm sure he had no real understanding of how wind direction affected his path............Ike felt he fully understood what was up and had his own ideas about what manouvers he planned to try. He did very well when he was looking forward.......not so much when he was looking backwards though. If you zoom in to the picture you can see where we used a carabiner to replace a missing traveler block for the main sheet to run through. Turns out the missing piece was in the sail bag after all. Well, at least it's not missing now! Maybe when Ike is older, we'll try the spinnaker out.

The breeze seemed to be on shore both days which made coming in a bit of a challenge.....especially on the second day when the wind picked up and the thunder was coming closer. With the thunder and lightening so close....I'd already been eyeing up a dock on the other side of the lake to wait it out. But I made it in and we had the most delicious Bannock Joe's for supper! Because camping really is all about the food isn't it?

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