Thursday, July 30, 2009
Some of These Things are Just Like the Others
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Fun at Grampa's Cabin
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
MMMarshmallow Cookies
Mallows(Chocolate Covered Marshmallow Cookies)
Recipe courtesy Gale Gand, from Food Network website
Prep Time: 10 min
Inactive Prep Time: 5 min
Cook Time: 10 min
Serves: about 2 dozen cookies
• 3 cups (375grams/13.23oz) all purpose flour
• 1/2 cup (112.5grams/3.97oz) white sugar
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 3/4 teaspoon baking powder
• 3/8 teaspoon baking soda
• 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
• 12 tablespoons (170grams/ 6 oz) unsalted butter
• 3 eggs, whisked together
• Homemade marshmallows, recipe follows
• Chocolate glaze, recipe follows
1. In a mixer with the paddle attachment, blend the dry ingredients.
2. On low speed, add the butter and mix until sandy.
3. Add the eggs and mix until combine.
4. Form the dough into a disk, wrap with clingfilm or parchment and refrigerate at least 1 hour and up to 3 days.
5. When ready to bake, grease a cookie sheet or line it with parchment paper or a silicon mat.
6. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.
7. Roll out the dough to 1/8-inch thickness, on a lightly floured surface. Use a 1 to 1 1/2 inches cookie cutter to cut out small rounds of dough.
8. Transfer to the prepared pan and bake for 10 minutes or until light golden brown. Let cool to room temperature.
9. Pipe a “kiss” of marshmallow onto each cookie. Let set at room temperature for 2 hours.
10. Line a cookie sheet with parchment or silicon mat.
11. One at a time, gently drop the marshmallow-topped cookies into the hot chocolate glaze.
12. Lift out with a fork and let excess chocolate drip back into the bowl.
13. Place on the prepared pan and let set at room temperature until the coating is firm, about 1 to 2 hours.
Note: if you don’t want to make your own marshmallows, you can cut a large marshmallow in half and place on the cookie base. Heat in a preheated 350-degree oven to slump the marshmallow slightly, it will expand and brown a little. Let cool, then proceed with the chocolate dipping.
Homemade marshmallows:
• 1/4 cup water
• 1/4 cup light corn syrup
• 3/4 cup (168.76 grams/5.95oz) sugar
• 1 tablespoon powdered gelatin
• 2 tablespoons cold water
• 2 egg whites , room temperature
• 1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1. In a saucepan, combine the water, corn syrup, and sugar, bring to a boil until “soft-ball” stage, or 235 degrees on a candy thermometer.
2. Sprinkle the gelatin over the cold water and let dissolve.
3. Remove the syrup from the heat, add the gelatin, and mix.
4. Whip the whites until soft peaks form and pour the syrup into the whites.
5. Add the vanilla and continue whipping until stiff.
6. Transfer to a pastry bag.
Chocolate glaze:
• 12 ounces semisweet chocolate
• 2 ounces cocoa butter or vegetable oil
1. Melt the 2 ingredients together in the top of a double boiler or a bowl set over barely simmering water.
We're Back!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Momma Needs a Pizza Oven
Even before we got to camp, we had been talking about making bannock (something from my to do list) and we had decided that we would make a pizza there. It's always fun to make things in the wood stove! Well this time we made our pizza dough in town and brought it up ready to go and kept it in the fridge until we were ready for it. It turns out the neighbours at the camp next door have a new outdoor pizza oven and we were hankering to try it out. They kindly offered us the opportunity to use it....and we are certainly glad that they did.
It was just the most fabulous thing! Everyone should have one! Why don't I have one? Mom has decided that she now needs one and I think that this revelation took her a little by surprise. Everyone thought that the pizza was the best they had ever had. It delivered a crisp bottom, golden brown, smokey and delicious pizza that would be perhaps impossible....recreate any other way. It was that good!
So now the research is on to see what needs to be done to have one ready for next summer. A spot has been chosen and the ground has been leveled.......It's only a matter or time now. You should get one too! You really should!!!
Monday, July 20, 2009
My First Treadle Project
Friday, July 17, 2009
From Grama's Farm
Well it took 3 days to get the machine running properly. I the end that the upper tensioning dial was assembled with one piece in backwards putting too much tension on the top thread. After replacing the bobbin spring and some fiddling with the top tension arrangement it seems to be sewing as it should. There still needs to be some adjustment with the tension as it all needs to be a touch lower on top and bottom....but at least it's up and running now. I am looking forward to making a project on it on another visit.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Skate.... a Daring Cooks Challenge
The skate cooked up very well and had a texture that I can only describe as interesting. Both my husband and I could only manage a small taste of it (and I am not at all a picky or a squeamish diner)..........the cat seemed to enjoy the rest. I'm not certain if it was the texture of the squidgy fish or the oddly fishy smell from the powdered capers or the layer of cartilage .......but we found the dish inedible because of it. I also would likely never go through the bother of all the dehydrating required to make the 'powders'. While some of them were good, I'm going to have to blame the smelly caper one for souring my attitude towards them all. I'm not sure what we will do with the remaining 4 pieces of skate in the freezer...just cannot get past the super soft cartilage that freaked me out. It was too easy to cut through it with the fork, and once in your mouth was so soft it was hard to separate it from the fish. When I do cook the remaining pieces, I'll figure out whether our issue was with the fish or the caper powder.
This challenge was organized by Sketchy , from Sketchy's Kitchen . The recipe is as follows and you can substitute the skate with cod.
The Challenge: Skate, traditional flavors powdered (slightly altered)Reveal Date: July 14th
Skate, Traditional Flavors Powdered - with changes
4 skate wings
* Beurre monte
* 300g fresh green beans
sea salt/kosher salt
1 banana
454g butter - 4 sticks
300g lemons
5g citric acid/vitamin c tablet
150g cilantro
150g parsley
100g dried banana chips
300g spray dried cream powder (or powdered milk)
100g cup minced red onion
200g capers (brined, not oil)
* For green beans, slice each beans into very thin rounds (2 mm)* Beurre Monte - 454g butter (4 sticks, 1 pound) cubed and cold, 60g water. In a small saucepan, bring the water to a boil, remove from heat and whisk in the butter 1 cube at a time. This should from an emulsion. Keep this heated, but under 195 degrees. The emulsion will not break - this is your poaching liquid.
Powders - prepare ahead of time caper / onion lemon powder cilantro/parsley powder'brown butter' powder
Powders once dried, all powders should be pulsed in a coffee grinder/spice mill/morter and pestle then passed through a chinois or fine mesh strainer.
citrus powder300g lemons1000g simple syrup5g citric acid/vitamin c tablet
zest 300g of lemons (10.6 oz), remove the pith from the zest and poach in the simple syrup three times. dry with paper towels and move to a dehydrating tray. 130 for 12 hours. pulse the zest in a coffee grinder, pass through chinois, and mix with citric acid/vitamin C powder.
If you do not have a dehydrator, place in microwave for 8 to 10 minutes at medium powder. Once dried, follow the other instructions.
cilantro/parsley powder150g cilantro150g parsley
blanch the parsley in boiling saltwater for 1 second, submerge the leaves in ice water for 3 minutes. Dry on paper towels and place on dehydrator tray. 130 for 12 hours. grind and pass through chinois.
If you do not have a dehydrator, place in microwave for 30 seconds, turn over leaves and microwave for another thirty seconds. They should be dry by now, pulse in coffee grinder, pass through chinois and reserve.
onion powder100g cup minced red onions
dehydrator - 130 for 12 hours microwave at medium power for 20 minutes.
pulse in grinder, pass through chinois
Caper powder200g capers (get the ones packed in brine/vinegar)
run the capers under cold water for two minutes to remove some of the brine.dry on paper towels and dehydrate for 12 hours at 130 degrees.microwave instructions are unclear. Dry them as much a possible with paper towels, the microwave on medium for 1 minute. Check the moisture content and stir them. repeat for 30 second intervals until they are dry. If you use this method, pleas post the time needed to dry the capers.
Once dry, pulse and sift the powder. Mix it with the onion powder.
Brown Butter powder
100g Dried banana chips (unsweetened if possible - many are coated in honey - the freeze dried ones would be brilliant)300g spray dried cream powder
If you cannot find the cream powder, you can substitute Bob's red mill non fat dry milk powder, or even carnation instant milk powder. The substitutions will alter the flavor a little, but you will still get the general idea.
preheat the oven to 350 degrees, sift the cream powder into a fine layer on a silpat or on parchment. bake for 4 minutes, then remove for heat. If it bakes for too long, it will burn. Be very cautious with all powders in the oven. They all go from browned to burnt in a few seconds.
grind the banana chips in a coffee grinder and mix with the toasted cream powder. Pass this through a chinois and reserve.
* For green beans, slice each beans into very thin rounds (2 mm)* Beurre Monte - 454g butter (4 sticks, 1 pound) cubed and cold, 60g water. In a small saucepan, bring the water to a boil, remove from heat and whisk in the butter 1 cube at a time. This should from an emulsion. Keep this heated, but under 195 degrees. The emulsion will not break - this is your poaching liquid.
SkatePrepare the skate - 50G v shaped cuts are recommended Bring 100g water, 100g beurre monte, and green bean rounds to a boil over high heat. Cook until the water has evaporated (about 3 minutes), when the pan is almost dry, remove it from heat and season with 3g salt
bring 300g water and 300g beurre monte to simmer over medium heat, add skate wings and simmer for 2 minutes. Remove the pan from heat and flip the wing over and let rest in pan for two more minutes. Transfer to warming tray lined with parchment and season with 5 grams of fine sea salt.
Take the tip of a small spoon and make a small mound of the citrus powder, the onion-caper powder, and the cilantro parsley-powder. Swirl these around in a hurricane type pattern. I found that it is easier, and you get finer lines if you lightly shake the plate to flatten out the mounds, then swirl the spoon through it to get the pattern.
peel the remaining banana into very think slices (3mm) fan three slices on the plate, place green beans on top and place skate wing portion on top. On the tall edge, sprinkle the brown butter powder.