
Friday, June 12, 2009

It's A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood

It has been extremely busy here of late. But the one thing I cannot complain about is the weather. It has been a consistent week of perfectly gorgeous weather. This is not the norm here so I'll take it when I can get may not....and probably will not last!
The school year is winding down now and the last few PAC events will soon be over. Soon the scurrying will be done and we will be on our way to Yellow Stone for a little camping adventure. After that, Ike and I will head back east to visit Grama and Grampa for a few weeks...then on to a few days in Toronto. It will be a nice chance to see some nifty things that Ike has never seen. Hopefully he will enjoy it.

I've been rushing to complete my obligations with PAC, swaps, Cooking Challenges and preparing for interviews so as not to get too terribly behind in all of the chaos. Yesterday I finished up on the current Daring Cooks Challenge (to be posted June 14th) which I almost backed out of.....but am really glad I didn't! Although time consuming (it took me 3 hours), I will definitely be making that one again. ( will like this one for sure) ......And.....I kept on plugging along to finish up a swap that comes due this weekend. It's for a very cute little sewing project called a Kidlet, which is a small hanging storage tote. You can go to the tutorial for making one yourself right here. It is cute as a button and I would like to make some more for sure. Next time I might like to make it a bit larger........In the interest of feeling more organized.....I can see having quite a few of these around the house.


  1. "the daring cooks challenge"......hmm......I would love to join in if one is hosted again....must google it now!

  2. That Kidlet is mine and now hanging on my door knob and I thank you very much! It is totally adorable and very well done!

  3. I'm so happy it's found agood home:)
    Yarnigras:...The daring cooks is an offshoot of the Daring Bakers. They are both groups which host a monthly challenge for all it's members. I bet you would like it! It's been lots of fun.


Thanks for stopping by!