
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Tea and Toast

What do you have when you wake up at 3am and are feeling restless and a little peckish?? Well, for me it was a pot of tea and a piece of toast......cinnamon toast that is. Does anyone make cinnamon toast any more? It was the snack of choice at my gramma's house when I was a little girl. At both gramma's come to think of it. Gramma K would make it with lots of butter melted into hot toast and a good sprinkle of cinnamon and white sugar that would soak right into the buttery toast and turn a delicious shade of cocoa brown. Gramma B would make it also with lots of butter, a sprinkle of cinnamon and a decadent layer of brown sugar to top it off. I went for years without having a slice of cinnamon toast and just recently have got back into it as one day I was trying to think of a quick snack to make for Ike....... and I realized that Ike had never had a slice of cinnamon toast. (at least not at home) Of course Ike liked it....because...well...who doesn't like cinnamon toast???
And just in case you're interested.....I enjoyed a cuppa tea along with it in my new (new to me that is) cup and saucer compliments of Value Village. Well not complementary mind you....I did pay for it. But a good price ($10), and although I'm not looking to expand my collection at this time I felt the need to own it as it matches this tea set that my mom bought for my birthday while on a trip through Victoria several years back. It is my most often used teapot because it is the perfect size for one or two and I like that the spout does not drip. While the pattern of the teas set is Camellia and Bows by St George China, and the new cup and saucer is Camilla (Yuck) by Royal Albert, the decal is identical (mind you without the bows). I also bought another cup and saucer that was so very pretty but obviously had a severe issue as when I pinged just went thud. On very close inspection there was in fact a very long hairline crack. End of the story is, after much discussion with the store manager who was not satisfied that there was anything wrong with the cup and saucer until he could see the crack, he sold it to me for $2 instead of $20. You'll be seeing that cup and saucer shortly in another post.....I hope.

Well it's morning now and breakfast was a toasted Bacon, Tomato, and Cheese sandwich for Ike (with a bit of Miracle Whip and salt and pepper) and a toasted English Muffin sandwich with cheese and bacon for me. Yum! We ate our breakfast at the table and looked out at this. Doesn't it just look like spring??? Oh it's coming!.....There are buds on the trees already.(really!, enlarge the photo and you'll see) we have 7 more days to get rid of this snow....easy peasy:0 As a point of reference regarding snow depth.....the small circle directly in front of the long line of cedars is our bird bath.


  1. Oh my goodness, that is way too much snow still for the first day of Spring Break!! LOL

  2. Oh, by the way the sandwiches look yummy. Heather & I made English muffins yesterday - was quite fun & turned out fairly well. I want to try making them again. Actually, want to try crumpets first (and Andrew's been asking for bagels for months!) Also, I noticed your cheese singles on your breakfast sammies . . . know what kraft type cheese slices are called here?! Plastic cheese : )

  3. Plastic cheese....yum....that makes sense! English muffins sounds like a good project...and I've been wanting to make bagels for a long time but wouldn't know what to do with them all??

  4. That has to be one of the cutest sets for tea I have ever seen. It seems here in MY area of the states things like that are hard to find altho I do have a cup/saucer set of my grandmothers that I really appreciate having. Maybe I need to start looking harder for items such as these to collect?

  5. Thanks Lynn! I like it too, and use it almost every day:)


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