
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Valentino Challenge from the Daring Bakers

So...... this month the Daring Bakers Challenge is back to the sweet side of things......and chocolate to boot. I found this recipe to be quite intriguing due to its very limited ingredient list, and have been pretty pumped to make it. On the up side for you gluten free people this could be right up your alley.....and it's most certainly right up mine. I served mine with fresh vanilla whipped cream and Huckleberry Sauce made from the berries I picked here during the summer. I wanted to try something a little different than the obvious choice of raspberry......and I just happened to have lots of Huckleberries in the freezer.
The challenge requested us to make ice cream to go along with it, but I have opted not to as at -35 C there is no way anyone could convince me to make ice cream, and it's also something I make every summer so it's not really much of a challenge. Plus I'm going to feel quite guilty enough eating this without the added calories of the ice cream thanks very much!

The February 2009 challenge is hosted by Wendy of WMPE's blog and Dharm of Dad ~ Baker & Chef.
We have chosen a Chocolate Valentino cake by Chef Wan; a Vanilla Ice Cream recipe from Dharm and a Vanilla Ice Cream recipe from Wendy as the challenge.

So.....Let's get on with the show....this is it!
So what did I think?? Well if I make this again I would use some portion of milk chocolate....maybe 1/2 milk and 1/2 semi sweet......instead of all semi sweet. I found the recipe to be not quite sweet enough. While I am a chocolate fan, I found I could not eat a very large piece of this, and found it needed a generous helping of whipping cream and Huckleberry Sauce. I made mine in a 8 inch heart shaped pan with a removeable bottom, and although I worried that it would leak (as it was not a spring form pan), there was no need for worry. In fact I had enough left over batter to make two individual servings as well. The recipe yielded about 8 servings.

Chocolate Valentino
Preparation Time: 20 minutes

16 ounces (1 pound) (454 grams) of semisweet chocolate, roughly chopped
½ cup (1 stick) plus 2 tablespoons (146 grams total) of unsalted butter
5 large eggs separated

1. Put chocolate and butter in a heatproof bowl and set over a pan of simmering water (the bottom of the bowl should not touch the water) and melt, stirring often.
2. While your chocolate butter mixture is cooling. Butter your pan and line with a parchment circle then butter the parchment.
3. Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites and put into two medium/large bowls.
4. Whip the egg whites in a medium/large grease free bowl until stiff peaks are formed (do not over-whip or the cake will be dry).
5. With the same beater beat the egg yolks together.
6. Add the egg yolks to the cooled chocolate.
7. Fold in 1/3 of the egg whites into the chocolate mixture and follow with remaining 2/3rds. Fold until no white remains without deflating the batter. {link of folding demonstration}
8. Pour batter into prepared pan, the batter should fill the pan 3/4 of the way full, and bake at 375F/190C
9. Bake for 25 minutes until an instant read thermometer reads 140F/60C.
Note – If you do not have an instant read thermometer, the top of the cake will look similar to a brownie and a cake tester will appear wet.
10. Cool cake on a rack for 10 minutes then unmold.

Dharm's Ice Cream Recipe
Classic Vanilla Ice Cream
Preparation Time: 30 minutes
Recipe comes from the Ice Cream Book by Joanna Farrow and Sara Lewis (tested modifications and notes in parentheses by Dharm)

1 Vanilla Pod (or substitute with vanilla extract)
300ml / ½ pint / 1 ¼ cups Semi Skimmed Milk – in the U.S. this is 2% fat (or use fresh full fat milk that is pasteurised and homogenised {as opposed to canned or powdered}). Dharm used whole milk.
4 large egg yolks
75g / 3oz / 6 tbsp caster sugar {superfine sugar can be achieved in a food processor or use regular granulated sugar}
5ml / 1 tsp corn flour {cornstarch}
300ml / ½ pint / 1 ¼ cups Double Cream (48% butter fat) {in the U.S. heavy cream is 37% fat)
{you can easily increase your cream's fat content by heating 1/4 cup of heavy cream with 3 Tbs of butter until melted - cool to room temperature and add to the heavy cream as soon as whisk marks appear in the cream, in a slow steady stream, with the mixer on low speed. Raise speed and continue whipping the cream) or use heavy cream the difference will be in the creaminess of the ice cream.

1. Using a small knife slit the vanilla pod lengthways. Pour the milk into a heavy based saucepan, add the vanilla pod and bring to the boil. Remove from heat and leave for 15 minutes to allow the flavours to infuse
Lift the vanilla pod up. Holding it over the pan, scrape the black seeds out of the pod with a small knife so that they fall back into the milk. SET the vanilla pod aside and bring the milk back to the boil.
2. Whisk the egg yolks, sugar and corn-flour in a bowl until the mixture is thick and foamy. 3. Gradually pour in the hot milk, whisking constantly. Return the mixture to the pan and cook over a gentle hear, stirring all the time
4. When the custard thickens and is smooth, pour it back into the bowl. Cool it then chill.
5. By Hand: Whip the cream until it has thickened but still falls from a spoon. Fold it into the custard and pour into a plastic tub or similar freeze-proof container. Freeze for 6 hours or until firm enough to scoop, beating it twice (during the freezing process – to get smoother ice cream or else the ice cream will be icy and coarse)
By Using and Ice Cream Maker: Stir the cream into the custard and churn the mixture until thick (follow instructions on your ice cream maker)


  1. HI! Your a winner in my giveaway! Please see my blog about the info I need. Thanks for entering and posting about it. :)Lisa

  2. Mmmmm. Huckleberry sauce! What a nice accompaniment to the Choc. Valentino! Looks like you had a great success at February's challenge.

  3. Thanks Lisa, I cannot wait to see it...they are so cute:)


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