
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pink Soup

After a busy weekend of sewing for Ike's Hallowe'en costume (which is almost finished now) I've noticed that the weather outside is turning quite cold. I say this because I think I spent the entire weekend indoors, perhaps even in my pyjamas for longer than I would care to admit, planning and working on Ike's Turtwig costume. It was, I think the most challenging costume I've made for him to date. It's 90% complete now, only requiring a means to attach the shell and some fleece mittens to match because it looks like it's going to be a cold one......but hopefully not raining!
Well, all this cold weather makes me think of soup.........and here's a soup that I had never made myself. Growing up, both my grama and my mother made Borshch, but I had not made it myself until this past weekend. it is....and although it met with resistance from other unnamed family tastes like it should and I like it:) While it's never the same as eating it out of gramas dishes by the warmth of the kitchen wood's as close as I can get.


  1. Hey there, I too have my grandma's borsht recipe. Is yours with or without meat? Mine's without. Heather & I are the only ones that will eat it. It's actually one of my most favourite soups especially with fresh baby veg from the garden and LOTS of dill!
    BTW, I can't wait to see Ike's costume - I had to look up turtwig on google.

  2. Hi Alison:)
    It has a slab of side ribs in it. That reminds me I need to freeze what's left now. I'll post a picture of Turtwig pretty soon. I'm just being lazy on the finishing because there is so little left.


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