
Friday, July 11, 2008

Favourite Web Picks

As I mentioned least I think I did. I am a procrastinator. What better way to avoid doing what it is that I should be doing, than sucking mindless hours away on my computer. How many times have I stared at the key board while in Google thinking "What should I Google?" Well if you feel that way sometimes, here are a few places you might be interested in checking out......

1. Bloggy Give Aways. This is a really cool site where you can check in daily to see what kinds of things you might have a chance at winning. Most of the time the give aways are for those of you with a US mailing address, and sometimes good if you have a mailing address in Canada, and once in a while good world wide. Right now in fact there is a world wide offer on right now. Go check it out. This is my new fun place to go and check on every few days.

2. SteepandCheap. I've mentioned this one before I'm sure. It's discounted, sometimes heavily discounted, sports wear. Love it!

3. Sew Mama Sew. This is a great site to find patterns and ideas for sewing projects, as well as contests to enter. There is a tonne of great sewing information compiled here.

4. The Daring Bakers. If you would like to see some seriously good baking blogs, have a look here. This is a monthly baking challenge to make different baked goods each month. It's a good way to get out and make sure you try something new and get involved. There is a list with links of all the members and you are free to join at any time to get in on the baking challenge yourself. I'm putting this one on my to do list. Just as soon as the chaotic pace calms down here. I am not kidding when I say I could spend weeks looking through all the absolutely first rate food blogs listed here. It's worth the time to check it out...REALLY!

5. Swap-Bot. This is a great place to get involved in highly organized swaps for photography, crafting, penpals etc. Warning, this can addictive.

6. Amazing Space. This is a cool astronomy site that is great for a dabbling of astronomy through each month of the year.

7. The Hubble Site. If you want to geek out on Hubble telescope facts and photos check this out.

8. Great Magazine Deal for Canadian Chicks. This seemed like a screamen deal (if Flair and Chatelaine are up your alley). Looks like a pretty sweet deal. That's one year of Flare and one year of Chatelaine for $14.95. With taxes, a buck or two more depending on your Province, but still a super sweet deal. Just in case the reservation code is required, it's (CJH7AHROCD COMBO). I haven't gone through the online ordering procedure so I don't know if they even ask for it, but there it is just in case. This deal really tempts me even though I don't buy either publication. Limited time offer until October 31, 2008.

9. Think Geek. Here's a good site for looking for that hard to buy for geek or maybe something for yourself. Tons of cool things here.

10. All Recipes. This is probably my 'old faithful' of cooking websites. It may not be the shiniest or prettiest cooking website, but it probably has the recipe you're looking for. The best thing about it is the reviews of those who have tried the recipe. This is where I go when I need to find a recipe fast and don't have time to dicker around.

1 comment:

  1. My friend has similar blogs for giveaways which are geared towards moms and environmental issues. They are:

    She's now in Laos with her family, but I'm sure she'll be keeping the prizes going.


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