
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Etsy......More Computer Shopping

As I have finally done some crocheting, and accumulated yarns, thread, and hooks....mostly from thrift shops.........I got tired of watching the hooks rolling around in my drawer and decided they needed a home. One of the very talented swappers from swapbot has an Etsy shop where she sells very nicely made crochet hook cases. You can go here to see her shop. Etsy is a place like eBay where you can buy specifically handcrafted items or in some cases the supplies to make things. It is a great source for fabrics that are a bit different from what I typically have access to in the small community I live in. So far, I have bought only fabrics from various Etsy shops and this great "tuck and roll" hook organizer from Coyote Craft. My Etsy purchasing experience has been very positive so far, but you must as a Canadian buyer be mindful of the shipping prices before diving in. Some sellers do their shipping through paypal which makes the shipping charge astronomically unaffordable.
I don't honestly know if the amount of crochet work I put out warrants the purchase of a hook organizer, but they were so darned cute.....I couldn't stop myself. The hardest thing was trying to decide which one to buy! Have a look and see if you can pick just one. She periodically has other random cuteness for sale too. Also stop by her blog which is filled with recipes and random crafty goodness. Now is the time to do it since she's running a little draw for some very cute handmade goodness until June 16th. Go on, click the blog link above........check it out! On a related topic.....if you like online shopping (like I do) and have an interest in sporting wear or goods have a look at steepandcheap. I warn you's addictive.


  1. you're too sweet!! I have your name in the vintage cookbook swap, too - yay! :D


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